Saturday 9 April 2016


                 SECURITY - WHAT SECURITY? (1)
If you intend to say YES you should at least know your partner better before making a lifetime commitment. 

Here are at least ten reasons to be worried - 

COUNTRY                       PARTY                                       PERCENTAGE of
                                                                                            NATIONAL VOTE
                                                                                            AT LAST ELECTION
 --------------------           ---------------------                             -----------------------------
AUSTRIA                FREEDOM PARTY                               31%
CROATIA                HDZ                                                      23%  
DENMARK              DANISH PEOPLE’S PARTY                 21%
FINLAND                 FINNS PARTY                                     21%
FRANCE                  NATIONAL FRONT                             25%
GREECE                  GOLDEN DAWN                                   7%
HUNGARY               JOBBIK                                               20%
NETHERLANDS       PARTY FOR FREEDOM                      11%
POLAND                  LAW + JUSTICE                                 51%
SWEDEN                 SWEDEN DEMOCRATS                     25%

These are extremist parties some openly verging on neo-nazism. All are in the ascendency and continually gaining support mainly due to the migrant issue.  Even if a total prohibition of immigrants was imposed today the numbers already here will naturally increase so the extremist parties have more than sufficient critical mass to maintain their onward progress. 

Therefore it is not unreasonable to assume that at some point it is highly likely that a number of EU countries will be governed by far right, extremist administrations or at the very least Commissioners will be appointed from these parties (due to inter-party PR bargaining).  There is absolutely no basis of logical reasoning to imagine the EU of the future as being benign and kindly towards the UK and a vote to stay in is a vote to smother our children with innumerable cans of worms that our generation was too disinterested to tackle.            

Some security.

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